Monday 28 July 2014

My first book

My biggest personal achievement is publishing my first-ever novel, “DANCE OF LIFE”, which is a collection of three different books, sort of 3-in-1. After going through the strenuous self-publishing, I was in the seventh heaven of bliss when I held in my hands the first Author’s copy of my book. The feelings and emotions are ineffable. They can only be experienced, not described!

There is this person, who wants to be incognito, coaxing me, cajoling me, urging me, and inspiring me to undertake writing novels in English. I silently salute this person.

Then, there is this publishing company, Partridge India, which offered me an inexpensive self-publishing platform and constant support through its team of consultants. I thank Partridge India for the unstinting, patient help they rendered throughout the publishing process.

I am waiting anxiously to see how successful my first book will be commercially.

Well, that is the long and short of my experiment with self-publishing!

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